
All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players - As you like it


What are ‘Shakesnippets’?

‘Shakesnippets’ is a sparkling mash-up of multiple Shakespeare plays, comedy and intrigue. It includes:

  • A devised piece in which we introduce all 37 of Shakespeare’s plays in under 2 minutes (!!)
  • Short comedic scenes that invade your event and perform amongst the audience periodically throughout the evening!

Where do we do this?

Anywhere we can! Edinburgh Fringe, kids parties, weddings, public events – anywhere we can invite people to enjoy a little of the bards work without any prior knowledge of the subject!

Why would you book this?

Why not? Who doesn’t want a troupe of actors invading their event in full costume spouting Shakespearean comedy?!

How much?

Please contact us for a quote.

How do you book us for an event?

​Get in touch and we will be happy to talk through the specific needs for your event and make it happen for you!

Get In Touch